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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bibs, Blocks, & Booties (Really, Shoes)

I've been busy sewing again the last couple days - finally found some new shoe patterns to try out.  And, surprise, I'm currently working on a pattern of my own since I couldn't find exactly what I wanted for free.  But on to the recent fruits of my labor!
This is a fabric version of those so-ugly-they're-cute leather baby shoes that are in every store right now - several of my mom-friends swear by them.  So far, Katleyn loves hers - despite the fact that one is definitely a little longer than the other, haha!  Here's the free pattern I used.

Bibs & Blocks:
I finally finished up the fourth and final (for now at least) of Katelyn's blocks.  This one is smaller than the rest and has a couple jingle bells inside to make noise.  I would like to try out some alternatives to the bells in the future because once all the stuffing was added, they aren't very loud.  Of course, I'm sure I will appreciate that in the years to come!

The bib i made on a whim yesterday - found this pretty pink fabric at HL when I stopped by Monday - it was on clearance so I bought a little.  The ultimate goal is to have a matching pair of shoes but I'm waiting until I get my pattern worked out a little more to try the shoes.  Here's the free pattern for the bib.  Fair warning if you decide to try the bib:  It's a BEAST to turn!  If you look at the pattern, I obviously opted to leave the pocket off this one.  I want to try out some of the iron-on vinyl I have heard about to make her some more "waterproof" bibs for mealtimes and will probably include a pocket on those!
Crayon Carrier:
And, last but not least, a couple of crayon rolls for my nephew, Presley, who is coming to visit us this weekend with my family.  Not much to the pattern - took me all of 45 minutes to cut, prep, sew and stage these little guys.  I made two simply because he LOVES "ightnin' queen" and Thomas both and I couldn't decide between the two fabrics!  Hope he likes them, but shhhh... they're a surprise!

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