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Friday, April 24, 2009

Spiritual Maturity

"The only test for spiritual maturity is the fruit of the Spirit."
(Mary Gautreaux)

What is happening through you that you cannot explain?

Were your friends better for having seen you yesterday?

I am a problem-solver by nature. I love puzzles - any kind: word puzzles, sudoku, ken ken, crosswords, cryptograms, jigsaw puzzles, riddles... anything that gets my mind thinking. So learning has always been fun to me, at least the form of learning where you're not just memorizing facts. If there is something to figure out, like in math and science, I loved it. That's right - I'm probably the only math-loving artist you've ever met. I'm twisted, what can I say?

Because of my propensity towards things that need figuring out, I've always been very interested in theology and apologetics. I actually LOVE to study the Bible - not just read it, but really study it, like a textbook. So when I come upon something either in life or Scripture or reading that I don't understand, it's really exciting to me. And I will pour myself into studying that thing until I feel like I have it figured out, until I understand it.

My latest case in point has been the topic of growth / maturity / fruit of the Spirit. Aside from a recent hiatus due to morning sickness, afternoon sickness, and evening sickness, I have spent the last 4+ months reading, thinking, studying about the fruit of the spirit and several connected topics. After that much time, I feel like I have found some level of understanding. (Even though, honestly, I would like to continue studying the fruit individually for at least 6 more months...) Then there was service last night...

I realized my tendency is to study and learn and ask questions and find answers until (and only until) I reach as much understanding as I can on a given topic. Once that happens, I'm done. What this means is that I often have a good amount of understanding with no real evidence of it in my actions and attitudes. Ouch. Mary got quoted last night: The only real test of spiritual maturity is the fruit of the Spirit... and fruit is not understanding, it's being.

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