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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Monumental Changes

I have been reminded in the last week how quickly everything can change. From threats of shootings on MY campus to news of a fellow Chi Alpha group under major investigation by their university... we can go to bed one night and life is normal and by the time we wake up again, everything we have known is different. Makes me remember that every moment is an opportunity - I want to make them all count for the Kingdom.

Cornell Chi Alpha

Chi Alpha Update

Student Opinion Article

Vigil Protest

To the Editor

Unfolding Nuance

To the Editor 2


  1. Wow, what a difficult position for this couple to be in! I will be praying for them...and for ya'll. Satan hates the mighty ways God is using you.

    Love you!

  2. yeah, the crazy thing is that their group is about the same size as ours at SFA, but they've been there since like 2002 or so... something like this could be devastating. just crazy! we're praying like crazy for them!


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