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Thursday, January 20, 2011

2011 Goals, Personal & Otherwise

Since I believe firmly that my personal (aka "inner") life is directly related to my professional (aka "outer") life, the following goals blur the lines between work and home.  But I know me, and if I don't find a way to articulate these things, I will inevitably forget what I have set out to this semester / year.  So, in all their relentlessly honest glory, here are my goals for 2011:
  • Work out a minimum of 5 times a week
  • Read a successive chapter of Celebration of Discipline during the first week of each new month and work to incorporate that discipline into my life during the remainder of that month
  • Write a minimum of 1 blog on some aspect of Christianity / faith / religion each week, to be posted here and at
  • Implement and stick to an envelope system of budgeting for our family
  • Discover and make steps towards becoming a person who consistently honors the people in my life
  • Discover and make steps towards becoming a grateful person
Well, there you have it.  Obviously, if you read the wording carefully on the last two, you will see that I don't know exactly how to DO those.  But I am excited in my life right now to be developing plans to move forward.  No matter how small the step is, as long as you make it, you're making progress, right?  That's my hope, anyway!  That God will honor my feeble attempts to grow in His grace.  I trust that He will make up what I lack if I just give Him what I have!

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